Contact: Breakthrough Task Force/Rim Family Services
Stephanie Thoth, Prevention Specialist
(909) 257-7512
April 1, 2025
Big Bear Lake, Calif. – The Breakthrough Task Force is giving local youth a chance to brush up on their creativity at the coalition’s fifth annual Big Bear Youth Art Show Friday, May 9, 4 to 6 p.m. at Community Church Big Bear’s Old Historic Chapel. “The art show was created to highlight young talent in the Big Bear area,” director Jesse Rogers said.
“Creativity is one of the best outlets to handle stress and negative feelings instead of turning to substance use. We want to promote healthy life choices to our local kids.”
Sixth through twelfth-grade students are invited to submit art projects in all ranges of media including drawings, paintings, photography, sculptures, pottery and digital pieces for a chance to win prizes.
Homeschool students are encouraged to submit entries in addition to those enrolled in Bear Valley Unified School District. Art will be judged by event attendees. Youth can submit up to five pieces of art, which must be received no later than Wednesday, May 7. Art is picked up from the front office at Big Bear Middle School and from Mr. Wilson at Big Bear High School the week prior to the event. Homeschool students should call to arrange pickup or drop off at the Big Bear Rim Family Services office.
There is no charge for the event. Food and refreshments will be served, and there will be several chances to win a variety of door prizes. Spectators are welcome to attend and cast their vote for their favorite works of art. Winners will receive awards and prizes, as well.
Breakthrough Task Force is a local coalition in Big Bear under Rim Family Services’ Environmental Prevention Program. Its mission is to limit underage access to and prevent use of drugs and alcohol.
Additionally, the coalition serves as a resource to link community members with services such as treatment for substance use disorders, addiction and counseling through many of its respected counterparts throughout Big Bear Valley and beyond.
The Old Historic Chapel at Community Church Big Bear is located at 40946 Big Bear Blvd., Big Bear Lake.
For more information about the May 9 art show or about the Breakthrough Task Force coalition, or to arrange pickup or drop-off, call (909) 366-0545 or email to
